CMA Solutions, Inc.

"Take Your Financial Hat Off and Give It To Us"


When I was a little girl, my favorite game to play was "Office."  I had my pink "While You Were Out" memo books, my adding machine (no, they didn't have calculators then), my "play" telephone operating console, my blank receipts (those are still a good idea to have) and all my favorite pens and pencils.


The only problem I had, as I look back, was that I pretended my name was Mr. John Smythe. Why?  I suppose it was the same reason I told my first dance teacher my name was Helen.  Who knows why?


Anyway, now I know who I am and I am not a man named John Smythe, nor am I a little girl named Helen.  Instead, for over 30 years, I have been a successful woman- business owner and my goal in life is to help other women-business owners simplify their financial lives.  I work very hard to ensure they and their businesses make as much money as they can, provide good benefits for their employees, pay as little taxes as they need to, stash away money for long-term goals and retirement, put their children through college, take advantage of every opportunity to get corporate and government contracts and/or grants and I continually monitor everything for them 24/7 in case they stray from their established goals.


We all have our specialities -- I don't do my own marketing, my own legal work, my own business coaching, my own IT consulting, or my own medical diagnosis.  Why?  Because surround myself with other professionals who are good at what they do.  Yes, I may pay a little more for getting the best advice and consultants, but there is a lot of truth in the old adage "You Get What You Pay For."


Owning a business is complicated.  Being a woman is complicated.  Doing both, as well as raising a family (whether the human kind or the furry kind) is almost impossible, especially when you are expected to wear all the other advisor hats, as well.  Take your financial hat off and give it to us.  That's why we're here.


"There is a special place in Hell for women who don't help other women" ~Madeleine Albright